Guide to Stock Investors from Experts

But make no mistake. Stock investment also has a high risk. So for lay people or beginners who don't understand investment, many are hesitant to start this investment.

Well, if you belong to a group of people who are afraid of investing in stocks, don't worry. Here are tips and tricks from Parto Kawito, Director of PT Infovesta Utama for beginner stock investors.

1. Know the risk profile
Before you decide to invest in stocks, first know your risk profile. What does it mean? Yes, you are a person who is desperate in investing or careful.

The reason is that there are many shares on the stock exchange. Well, to be right in choosing, you must know what your character is like.

If you are a reckless person, you can choose to invest in stocks that have medium or small market capitalization.

Conversely, if you are the type of caution, you can choose investment in state-owned shares and blue chip stocks. Why? Because these stocks are more stable and liquid movements, so the risk is even smaller.

2. Determine investment objectives
After you know your risk profile, then also think about what you are investing in. Is it for long, medium or short term.

Parto suggested that stock investment should be carried out at least in the medium term. The problem is if you are short-term, you will lose the dealer because you have to pay broker fees too. As a result, fortunately not how much, capital instead cut broker fees. Loss, right?

The short term referred to here is daily trading. After all, you can't possibly move stocks at any time? What's not working?

3. Know the right time to buy and sell
According to the results of the analysis carried out by the Parto team over the past 10 years, the right time to sell shares is in May and buy in September or October. Why?

Because, in May many people sold shares because of the holiday season. That makes the stock price decline.

Well, because you know the cycle, you can sell your shares before the stock price drops or "help start" before the others sell their shares.

Whereas in September or October, stock prices generally rise. So you can buy shares before that time or when the stock price is still low.

That way, you know when it's the right time to buy shares?

4. Amount of investment
After knowing the right time for investment, do not trigger the first desire to buy stocks in large quantities. Especially if you are a beginner investor who is still groping. You certainly don't want to bite your fingers because you went bankrupt?

"Now you can play stocks with a capital of only Rp. 2 million. "In fact, there are small securities that offer stock investments for students with a capital of only Rp. 500 thousand," said Parto.

Parto recommends that you invest only 5 percent of your wealth. After you understand how to play stocks, the amount of investment will be increased regularly.

Then, how do you choose the right stocks?
Parto revealed that there were three strategies for choosing stocks so that your money would not be lost for free. Here's how:

1. Corporate fundamentals
Even though the amount of money you invest is small, but you certainly want to make a profit right. Therefore, you cannot arbitrarily choose stocks.

Well, the first thing you have to look at is the financial statement or fundamentals of the company whose shares you will buy.

If you see the company there is no increase in turnover, the profit continues to decline, and there is a lot of debt, it's better to immediately turn around. Choose other, more prospective stocks and better performance.

2. Technical analysis of shares
Not only do you have to see the financial statements. You also need to know how to graph the stock analysis of the company.

If the stock up and down isn't too extreme, you can buy shares in that company. The sign, the stock is stable and not prone to market speculation.

3. Advice on brokers or brokers
Parto suggested, for you beginners who do not know well about stock investment, it is very important to ask for advice from brokers or brokers to find out whether the stock has good prospects or not.

Generally, brokers will also explain the fundamentals and technical analysis of the companies whose shares you want to buy.

From there the broker will provide input, you should buy the stock or not. For a list of brokers, you can see it in Bareksa.

What are the benefits and risks of stock investment?
Each investment must have advantages and risks. So even with stock investment. According to Parto, here are the advantages and risks of investing in stocks:

Benefits of stock investment:
1. Dividends (profit sharing)
Dividends are the distribution of profits given by the company to shareholders. Dividends themselves come from profits generated by the company.

There are two types of dividends, namely cash dividends and stock dividends:

Cash dividends means that the company gives cash to each share to shareholders.

Share dividend means that the dividend given by the company in the form of shares, so the number of shares owned by the investor will increase.

2. Capital gain (increase in stock prices)
Capital gain is the profit obtained from the increase in stock prices, namely the selling price is higher than the purchase price.

For example, you buy stock A with a price per share of Rp. 2,000. Then you sell it at Rp. 2,500 per share. That means you get a capital gain of Rp 500 for each share.

Risk of stock investment:
1. Capital loss
Capital loss is the opposite of capital gains, where investors sell their shares lower than the purchase price.

For example, you buy share B for Rp 2,000 per share. But you sell it at Rp. 1,700 per share. Thus, you will experience a loss of IDR 300 per share.

2. Suspend
Another risk of stock investment is that shares are suspended or terminated by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

This condition made investors unable to sell or buy the shares until the suspension was revoked.

Well, there are a few things you need to know about stock investing for beginners. What? Now it's not afraid anymore to invest in stocks?

Because the advice from the experts has been obtained immediately, you should know what to do when you want to start investing. Let's start now!


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